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fixed purchase option
固定价格购买任择权  detail>>
cambria eriod
寒武纪  detail>>
carboniferou eriod
石炭纪  detail>>
cretaceou eriod
白垩纪  detail>>
devonia eriod
泥盆纪  detail>>
incubatio eriod
潜伏期  detail>>
ordovicia eriod
奥陶纪  detail>>
permia eriod
二迭纪  detail>>
 n.  选择,取舍,选择权,选择自由;可选择的东西;【商业】(在契约有效期可附加一定贴水的)选择买卖的特权。 imprisonment without the opti...  detail>>
this option
此一档案 这个选项  detail>>
co olidatio eriod
大涨后的调整期  detail>>
pre-cambria eriod
前寒武纪  detail>>
retur eriod(recurrenceinterval)
重现期  detail>>
option seller; option writer
期权卖方  detail>>
stock option; equity option
股票期权  detail>>
be fixed to
被固定到……  detail>>